Abundantly More: “Grounded” - Amanda Davis

Abundantly More: “Grounded” - Amanda Davis

God says here are the seeds, now do the work.

Show notes

God has called us to be about the work. He gives us the seeds and sends us to go sow them.

Our instincts are to look for the trees that are already grown and rest underneath them. But God calls us out of that rest, to take the seeds from those trees and spread them further out.

We may not be ever see the fully grown tree, but that is okay. We are called to sow.

We disagree sometimes. We find ourselves divided. But God has called us all to be about the work.

So we must remember: we’re on the same team. So our call is to get together to do the work - and do it together.

1 Corinthians 3:5-23




Amanda Davis

Amanda Davis

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