A very brief history lesson on John Wesley.
After referencing John Wesley last week, a new listener asks about the importance of Wesley, and whether the group could give him a starting point on Wesley's ministry and sermons. Unsurprisingly, Kaitlyn and Brandi are INCREDIBLY excited about this prospect.
Ask us a question, or send feedback! FMHouston.com/AMA
Here's links to the sermons referenced in this podcast: On Working Out Our Own Salvation (link: http://spokanevalleychurch.org/core/files/spokanevalleychurch/uploads/files/Wesley's_On_Working_Out_Our_Own_Salvation_Both_Versions.pdf)
The Scripture Way of Salvation (link: https://www.umcmission.org/Find-Resources/John-Wesley-Sermons/Sermon-43-The-Scripture-Way-of-Salvation)
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